We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions, to help answer the main queries we are presented with. If your question isn’t answered here, simply contact us.
The delivery times on our products do vary so please contact us for details.
Some suppliers do charge for delivery, particularly on smaller value orders. If this is the case then the charge will either be incorporated in the price or in some cases listed separately on the invoice. Office Furniture generally arrives flat-packed and requires assembly. If requested we are happy to provide this service on site (to suit customers own requirements) which may include out of office hours and weekend work. We make a small charge for this service.
We can take away your old furniture if we are supplying new, but there may be a disposal charge depending on the quantity involved.
No. Our catalogue is comprehensive, but does not show all our products. We also offer a bespoke furniture service. Please contact us if you have a specific item or items you require.
All of our products are covered by a manufacturers guarantee, which varies with each product (please contact us for specific details).
Our culture is one of openness and doing as we say we will. All our clients are dealt with in a courteous and professional manor.
As a partner with you, we know that we can make your workforce more profitable.